
Promoting acceptance for BDSM culture

The BDSM Museum, a meeting place with BDSM culture in the making. Get information here:

Our mission statement

Our mission is to improve understanding and acceptance of BDSM culture. We pursue this with a permanent, publicly accessible facility in the service of society and its development, which, for the purposes of study, education and experience, procures, preserves and researches material and immaterial testimonies from people and their environment to the cultural object BDSM, and make this known primarily through exhibits.



We are happy you found us. Here you can find information about the emerging BDSM museum. We are working on an exhibition to convey understanding and acceptance of BDSM culture in Hamburg in 2021/22.


Setting up a museum is a lot of work, especially when it is all about sucessfully presenting BDSM to the public and advocate for acceptance of BDSM culture. We appreciate any support! More information on this here.


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Here are two definitions we are currently working with:

  • BDSM is a term associated with a variety of consensual often sexual practices and preferences, in particular for bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, sadism & masochism. There are as many individual and cultural forms of BDSM as there are people who engage with/under the term.

Many everyday actions differ from BDSM in terms of intent and perception. Buckle up in the car, follow the instructions of a superior, push yourself to the limit in sports, slip into a role at carnival or acting …

The intention and the goal of actions is often decisive in whether it is BDSM. For example, a gift is only a gift if it is a voluntary transfer of ownership of something for free. Here, too, a free conscious choice is essential.

That’s why we have another definition to emphazize on the intent and purpose of the subject.

  • BDSM is a deliberate choice to engage with other consenting adults in mutual respect and understanding of each others intent to gain fulfilling experiences through pain, power dynamics, bondage or other associated practices that are rejected in a different context.

Definitions are not set in stone or universal, still they may create understanding for a specific perspective. Habt Ihr eine andere Definition von BDSM?

Let us know on Instagram, Twitter, or Fetlife, write us:

Our supporters

A list of people who have contributed to the museum will follow soon. If you want to be there too, write to us at


A permanent exhibition of the community by the community with the focus on promoting acceptance for BDSM culture as a meeting place.